Saturday, March 26, 2011

Oi, Let's stomp some 'umies!

First 19 Orcs are done. So far so good with Army Painter. Here's what I've learned so far:
  • Time savings are substantial. No hard numbers but it felt like I painted the unit rather quickly.
  • I accidentally double-dipped my test Orc. He came out a little darker, but nothing too noticeable. You would not be able to pick him out from the unit.
  • The biggest time sink is getting good, even coverage of reds and bone. Shields took 4 coats of red. I will try white undercoat next time.
  • Easiest mistake to make is missing details as you try to power through the models. I didn't hit the Standard Bearer's teeth with bone until I was about to dip him.
  • Keeping the number of individual colours to a minimum really helps.
Next up I have 10 more Orcs and then.. we'll see.