Monday, June 20, 2011

Every Waaagh Needs a Hero!

The time has come to add some brains to the brawn of the troops. Well, brains may be overstating it.. let's just call it leadership.

A Black-Orc warboss and a Night Goblin Shaman will provide the needed heroic support to the army. For these two models, I will use traditional painting and shading techniques, which will be nice change from the dip method.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Howling at the Moon

The goblin riders are ready to go. Painting time was around 8 hours which nets me around 45 minutes per model. Still pretty good.

One thing I noticed with the dip is that down facing points accumulate extra drops of the dip. Most of the bows and the feet ended up with big globs of the dip at the tips and had to be touched-up with paint. Next time, I will remove the excess after shaking off with paper towel.

With this unit completed, troops are all done for the first 1000 points. All that's left now are characters and a rock lobber.