Saturday, July 9, 2011

Load 'er up!

This is my first Fine Cast model and overall my experience has been positive. Sadly, I did not catch the un-primed version, but after assembly it looked much like standard plastic models.

There is a lot to like. The level of detail is high. The assembly was very fast because no pinning was needed. All of the pieces are light and bonded very well with modeling superglue.

There is a little to dislike. There is a lot of flash and it's easy to damage the model when removing it.

For the painting, it's back to dipping with Army Painter and simple, fast paint jobs. Let's get this show on the road!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Oi, Where's me lads?

The Black Orc Boss and a Goblin Shaman are ready to rock and roll. The shaman will stand in as a Night Goblin with this dark pain scheme.

No dipping applied for the heroes . All shading was done through layering and light washes. After all the fast-paint-dip grunts, it was a very satisfying diversion to hand shade these models. But I would not want to hand shade grunts. It's one thing to hand-blend one off figures, and quite another to hand blend 30 essentially identical figures.

Next up, the Rock Lobba! Orcs bring the rain.