Monday, August 15, 2011

The Waaagh of One Thousand!

And so my 1000 point Orc Army is complete. Gadagutz Sharptusk is pleased and ready to do some stompin'!

I would not have been able to complete this list without the Army Painter. For anyone worried about the time needed to create a full army, but still concerned about quality, it is the ultimate balance between fast(ish) and good(ish).

What's next for Gadagutz's lads? Hopefully a game or two so that I can figure out what to get next. Definitely need some Black Orcs for their punching force. Then maybe some chariots, or Trolls, or goblins, or, or, or....


The Rock Lobba is ready for Rock Lobbing.
I used the tired and true Army Painter Dip, but decided against dipping this time around and used a brush to paint on the wash. I have to say that worked better than dipping. With less excess wash, there is no need to fling the miniatures dry. Instead, I used a bit of paper towel to collect the excess dip and ended up with identical results and significantly less mess.