Sunday, February 12, 2012

Don't Troll on Me!

Having taken care of leading the army with a stylish Orc battle standard, it is time to bring some pain.  Trolls can provide some heavy hitting and staying power.  Or at least, that is the theory.

Three River Trolls before

and after.

Back to the trusty Army Painter Dip.  With models this large, there is no actual dipping. Instead, I used a large soft brush to liberally brush on the dip and then gently wipe off the excess with paper towel scraps. This worked very well and after the models dried, I added some highlights to the faces, hands and green scales bringing out the detail.

Models of this size really push the boundaries of what the dip is capable of shading, but they still came out looking very table ready.

Next up: More hitting and staying power. Time to crank up this Waagh to Black Orcs!