Saturday, September 3, 2011

Gadagutz Sharptusk Gets Stomped by Elves.. oh the shame..

My mighty little Waagh went on their first stomping run and things did not go as Gadagutz boasted they would by the campfire on the previous night.

With this being a 1000 points only, we played on a smaller table but  ended up with a lot of interesting terrain, which played a big role in how the game played out.

I deployed with a balanced line, Madspittle's Savage Orcs on the left, Gadagutz in the center with the Boyz, Regsnik's wolves on the right and the Crusher lobber in the back.  Evileye the shaman hung around behind the lines.

The elves had an eagle on their right, two cohorts of 10 Swordmasters and a solid legion of Spears led by some stuck-up lord with his pet mage.

The terrain came up with some forests, a mysterious river, a hill, a Blazing Barricade in the center and a Hero's monument (stubborn within 6").

The elves were first to go.

Both lines advanced.  The elves discovered to their horror that the river was a Raging Torrent and a number of the spearmen floated down the stream..   The Orcs rushed forward.  Crusher lived up to its name and landed a direct hit on the swordmasters who then got peppered with rusty arrows by Regsnik's wolves.

A couple of rounds in.  The Madspittle's Savage Orcs took a pounding from magic, charged and obliterated the damaged swordmaster unit which was defending a Blazing Barricade.  The spears tried charging the wolves who fled and rallied behind the Orc lines.  Crusher misfired and was out for 2 turns.  And Gadagutz advanced down the middle.
One rule that I did not play correctly was forgetting to reform my Overrunning Savage Orcs.  This would leave them effectively out of the game but would not have changed the outcome.

The last moments..  Gadagutz's Boyz get triple charged.  Spears from the front, 10 Swordmasters from the flank and an Eagle from the rear.  Madspittle can only watch and reform as his comrades get diced.  The wolf riders are out of position as well and cannot enter the fray till it's much too late.  Over then next couple of phases, Swordmasters do what they do so well and mow through astounding numbers of the Orcs.  Gadagutz himself is brought down by 3 very accurate spear elves.  The only reason the fight lasts more than one combat phase is because the Terrain Monument keeps my Orcs stubborn regardless of ranks.

As the Orcs melt away under a flurry of swordmaster blows, Regsnik takes his wolves and goes looking for a new warband to join and Crusher gets abandoned by its cowardly goblin crew.

Overall I really enjoyed how the Orcs play.  I should have been more aggressive with my army and charged the larger, untouched swordmaster unit with the Savage Orcs.  The swordmasters were the key to this game.

Painting wise, I picked up a Battle Standard Bearer to anchor my lines.  I can't rely on that "always stubborn" monument in every game.

Gadagutz will be back...

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