Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Bearing the Standard

I turned these around pretty quickly once I actually started painting.  The figs were assembled in September, then waited patiently and got painted over the Holidays.

And the finished product.

As with the other heroes, I did not use dip.  I used traditional fast shading (blending with washes and highlights).  Results are table-top ready, even if they may not win any awards.

Next up for the waaagh:  Trolls!  I love big based infantry for their imposing look on the table and the great sculpts.  Trolls will get the dip treatment.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Gadagutz Victorious!

Gadagutz Sharptusk had a second chance at victory, this time against the Vampire Counts.  Without going into a detailed play by play, here are some highlights of the glorious (mini)Waagh..

The vampire attacked early at dawn leading a skeleton block supported by black knights and a black coach.  Gadagutz and his Orks were looting a farmstead at the time with Madspittle's savage orks.  Evileye the shaman started in the center with Crusher and Regsnik's wolves on the right flank.

Regsnik advanced, shot some arrows and then fled from a charge by the coach and unfortunately his fear of the undead carried him straight off the table.

The two lines advanced and met in the middle.  Madspittle was swiftly diced by the vampire, but not before his savage orks cut through a swath of skeletons.  Gadagutz and his crew absorbed a charge from the black knights and then proceed to methodically cut them to shreds.  Within a couple of rounds, the knights and the savage orks were out of the picture.

This battle would be settled by the heroes themselves.

Gadagutz and his lads stormed into the skeleton block and the two mighty champions locked in a mortal duel.  Both heroes suffered grave wounds, but at the end, saved by a lucky parry from his massive ork shield, Gadagutz cut the vampire down and the army of the dead began to crumble.

As the sun peaked over the horizon, all that remained standing were orks, looting through the remains of the walking dead.

Great game.  Again, orks prove that they can hit hard.  Savage Big 'uns on the first turn can put out a large number of S5 hits!  Crusher the stone thrower was reliable this time, but unfortunately the coach made all of its ward saves.

Next up, the battle standard bearer.  With two of my units fleeing off the table, it's clear I need some morale boosting..