Monday, May 21, 2012

Every Rock Lobba Has It's Day!

Sharptusk's 1500 point horde was ambushed by the Lizardmen while trying to cross a mountain pass. This was the first game with the full army which gave me a chance to check out the newly painted Trolls, the Black Orks and the BSB.

The setup was along the short edge to simulate the mountain pass my Orks were battling through.  The Lizards were allowed to deploy their Stegadon as an Ambusher which meant that it would get a flank charge on some unfortunate unit.

I set up the Orks in a balanced line, with Skarsnik's Wolves making a fast advance on the right flank, Black Orks and the Boyz in the center with Sharptusk in the middle and Maddspittle's Savage Orks bringing the pain on the left flank. Crusher was safely tucked away behind the river.

First Turn saw the game changing play.  Crusher the Rock Lobba landed a direct hit on the Slann Mage protected by the Temple Guard, who then failed his Look Out Sir roll, failed his ward save, took 6 wounds and exploded like bloated toad. That one, well placed rock took out the Lizard's only caster, BSB and general all in one go. Best shot of Crusher's career.

Both lines advance.  The wolves harass the Salamander killing a handler on the Lizard's left flank. Vanguard makes Fast Cav really fast!

What followed next was a slaughter.  The Savage Orks chase off the skinks and get charged by the Temple Guard who are crushed by bad rolls and frenzied green choppa wielding monsters.  This collapses the Lizards right flank.  On the Left flank, the Saurus charge the Black Orks and the Trolls while the Stegadon wanders onto the field in support and slams into the Black Ork flank.  

Sharptusk turns his Boyz in support of the Black Orks, but between the Stegadon Impact Hits and Monstrous Stomp, they are wiped out to the Ork before the Boyz can join in.  When they do, however, the Saurus do not stand a chance and are run down and destroyed.

Sharptusk chases the Saurus straight into the Stegadon flank and we call the game.  With only the Stegadon remaining, the Lizards have no chance of victory. Sharptusk prevails!

Lessons Learned
Every Rock Lobber has its day.  Crusher had one good hit the entire game before missing and misfiring, but that one hit was all I wanted from it.

Black Orks need to be at least 20 strong to be useful.  With only 15, they just die too quickly and start losing attacks.  The unit itself, however, is excellent.  Armed to Da Teef is a fantastic rule.

Trolls are great support unit when backed by infantry.  They stomped many a Saurus while the Black Orks held the line.

BSB is a must for Orks.  Glad I pained one up.

Wolves are more fun than use.  I love their speed and the annoyance factor, but at 100 points they just do not do enough.  I am not sure how to play them next time.  Perhaps a unit of 5 for pure throw-away distraction.

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