Sunday, September 23, 2012

Mork wants ya!

The mighty Ol' Bones Orc Shaman is ready to rain down some Mork and Gork stomping on the enemy.
For this model I went back to traditional shading and highlighting given that it is a character. I am finding that the mix of Army Painter fast shading for all normal units and traditional blending and shading for the characters is a perfect mix. I can get a lot of troops painted quickly to a great Table Top standard and then take my time enjoying the detail and subtleties of the character models.

I love this sculpt. There is a sense of wisdom and experience emanating from this venerable Orc which is a great contrast to the  bravado and fury typical of the other models. Plus the soft lines and well pronounced shading points make it very easy to paint.

I used multiple layers of lightness for the shading building up from a dark shade all the way to the highlight. Both bone and leather also received a chestnut wash to really bring out the detail.

With this character, 2000 points are complete.  However, this is what I would call "weak" 2000 points because they rely on tooled-up characters to soak up the points. I will have to play a couple of games to see what I want to add to the army to create a more competitive 2000 point horde.

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