Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Siege of Castle Oldenhawk

After months of trying to starve the Empire garrison, mighty Orc Warboss Grumlock received bad news from his goblin scouts. The cunning 'ummies managed to get a runner past the Orc lines and a relief force was on its way. Just as well, he thought. He was tired of fighting like a cowardly elf, letting time and hunger do his killing.  It was time to storm the castle, like Mork and Gork intended!

This was a massive 3000 pts Blood in the Badlands siege battle, hosted on the fantastic castle table at the Highgate Village Games Workshop.

After starvation and bombardment, the Empire defenders lost a large number of swordsmen and ended up with a breach of the main gate. Cavalry consisting of 20 knights and 10 pistolliers was kept in reserve. The Orcs concentrated on the South and West sides, with Savage Big'uns, supported by Trolls, storming a weakly defended North West tower. The bulk of the horde would storm the South gate and towers which held all of the strategic objectives.  At least that was Grumlock's cunning plan..

Trouble for the Orcs started immediately when the Savage Orcs, unable to work the siege tower, spent the entire turn standing still. This confused the trolls, which ended up stumbling forward and taking archer fire from the battlements. The south wing advanced as intended with the Arachnarock and the squig herd crashing into the South West tower.

The Black Orcs, weighed down by their heavy armour, did not manage to make the assault on the first turn and the night goblins, led by a Shaman, were too cowardly to advance. The Empire mortar crew made the goblins pay for their inaction by dropping a shell in their midst, killing half of the unit.

Orcs were not to be out done by the human artillery. Crusher, the rock lobba, launched a perfectly placed stone, which not only destroyed the Hellblaster defending the South East tower, but it also crashed through the tower breaching it!

The squigs and the Arachnarock stormed the South West tower.  Empire swordsmen, encouraged by their warrior priest and captains, mounted a desperate defence...

... but it proved to too weak to stop the frenzy of the squigs. The crazed fungus monsters crashed into the tower and pushed the defenders out. Castle Oldenhawk was breached!

Their victory would not last. All of the Empire captains, warrior priest and the generals charged into the tower and slew every single squig. The humans were in control of the castle walls again.
On the North Western flank, the Savage Orc big un's were still unable to operate the siege tower and spent another turn staring at the walls.

Disaster strikes the Orcs!  The mighty Arachnarock was brought down by the heroes of the Empire. As its grotesque legs curled in twitching death spasms, the human defenders cheered and shouted praises to Sigmar.
On the North West flank, the Savage Big'uns abandoned the tower and got ready to storm the walls the old fashioned way, but they were unable to agree on who led the charge and spent the turn squabbling.
Grumlock knew that it was time for him to enter the fray and prepared to storm the hotly disputed South Western tower himself.

The Savage Orcs finally stormed the castle and easily beat back the defenders of the North Western tower. Castle Oldenhawk was breached again!

As the day was ending, Grumlock made one more desperate attempt to storm the deadly South Western tower. The Savage Orc Big'uns slaughtered through the defenders of the West Wall who bravely held back the River Trolls for the entire day, but they arrived at the South Western tower too late to help. Grumlock roared in anger as he was unable to break through the Empire defenders and was kept out of the castle. Even though the green tide has finally started sweeping around the walls, it was too late.

As the day ended, the Empire reinforcements finally arrived. It took the knights the entire game to make it on to the table and they were unable to make any difference in the outcome of the game. Castle Oldenhawk withstood the might of Warboss Grumlock on its own.

As night fell, Savage Orcs Big'uns were rampaging around the walls, but they were ultimately forced to withdraw. This was a solid victory to Empire.

A fantastic game! The Blood in the Badlands siege rules played very well. They are simple, but give the game an epic feel of a gigantic siege. And most importantly, the game was exciting and tense till the last die roll.

Lessons from the game:

  • Squig herds are really cool.  Will definitely pick some up. 
  • Never trust Savage Orcs to drive a siege tower. They just don't understand how wheels work.
  • Never count on your reinforcements to show up, even if they are all mounted. Empire knights can sure take their time..
  • Commit your troops early. Allowing the defenders the luxury of supporting combats from adjacent buildings is a huge mistake.
  • Siege is awesome!  Can't wait to play another one.

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