Friday, June 6, 2014

Hovering Vengeance

The second Ravenwing vehicle was painted with the same technique as the first one, however, I did learn a few things from the Nephalim. First, I was much more aggressive with the blue edging highlights. This is really what makes the model pop, and the best effect is achieved when all edges have an even blue tone. The bone highlight is what is used to bring up certain corners and give the model dynamism.

Otherwise, this was a very quick and enjoyable paint job.  The cockpit instrumentation turned out really well and adds great detail to an otherwise fairly mono-chromatic model. And thanks to my experience with decals on the Devastators, I added the skull decal on the gunner without problems. Again, I had to score the decal to allow it to wrap around the shoulder pad.

Next up, Dark Angels go camping.  Or rather scouting..