Wednesday, January 30, 2013

This Paint Job is Terminated...

Finally finished up my first batch of Deathwing Terminators.  Br. Tremiel is ready to teleport into battle!

The dip worked very well with the bone base, which I expected and it also layered some nice depth on the white banner and parchment.
The banner gave me a chance to try simple free-handing of the Deathwing emblem, which came out rather well.  I originally wanted to add some text, but ended up running out of space.

Two main lessons from this batch.

First, never ever use old primer.  I do not know why I ignored this wisdom.  The models ended up with a terrible, sandy texture which really obscured some finer detail on the robes and swords of the autogunner.  Fortunately I was able to cover the damage and it's not visible on the finished models.  But I was worried for a bit there.

Second, the P3 wet-palette is excellent for wet-blending. I only blended the power-sword, but this technique will be very useful on the character models.

Next up, my strike force gets some speed with a 6 bike Ravenwing squad.

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