Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Heavy Footsteps

The army needed some heavy hitting so I decided to add a 40k classic: the Dreadnought. It's an iconic Space Marine vehicle and I chose to overlook their general fragility in this edition.

This is the first model that I magnetized and I am very happy with the results.  I have now 4 options for my heavy walker, but I think that these two will be most common. The cheaper basic:
and the decked out heavy hitter:

I was a little apprehensive about using the Army Painter dip on a model this size, but the final results are not bad at all. The dip had the nice effect of giving the model a weathered look, which is great for vehicles. I spent a bit more time detailing and shading to bring out some highlights than I do on individual troopers and I'm quite happy with the result. Oh, and I used a Decal Softener from Flames of War. It really helped to blend the transfers into the armour. For a model this sized, I did not feel comfortable going freehand to paint the symbols and numbers.

I can't wait to see how this guy does in battle!  Brother Serean has returned...

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